
Elevation Anomalies of the Volcanic Floor Unit and Their Relationships to the Multiple Lakes of Jezero Crater, Mars

We reassessed several orbital topographic data sets for the Perseverance rover landing site at Jezero Crater, Mars to better understand its floor units. Tens-of-meters deep topographic anomalies occur in the volcanic floor of Jezero crater and are …

Mineralogy, morphology, and emplacement history of the Maaz formation on the Jezero crater floor from orbital and rover observations

The first samples collected by the Perseverance rover on the Mars 2020 mission were from the Maaz formation, a lava plain that covers most of the floor of Jezero crater. Laboratory analysis of these samples back on Earth would provide important …

Bedding scale correlation on Mars in western Arabia Terra

Abstract Layered rocks in the Arabia Terra region of Mars preserve a record of the planet’s ancient climate. However, the exact formation mechanism of these rhythmically layered deposits is currently unknown. We previously proposed two distinct …

The Complex Exhumation History of Jezero Crater Floor Unit and its implication for Mars Sample return

During the first year of NASA’s Mars 2020 mission, Perseverance rover has investigated the dark crater floor unit of Jezero crater and four samples of this unit have been collected. The focus of this paper is to assess the potential of these samples …

Three-dimensional data preparation and immersive mission-spanning visualization and analysis of Mars 2020 Mastcam-Z stereo image sequences

The Mars 2020 Mastcam-Z stereo camera investigation enables the generation of three dimension (3D) data products needed to visualize and analyze rocks, outcrops, and other geological and aeolian features. The Planetary Robotics Vision Processing …

Spectral variability of rocks and soils on the Jezero crater floor: A summary of multispectral observations from Perseverance’s Mastcam-Z instrument

NASA’s Mars-2020 Perseverance rover spent its first year in Jezero crater studying the mafic lava flows of the Máaz formation and the ultramafic cumulates of the Séítah formation, both of which have undergone minor alteration and are variably covered …

A fragile record of fleeting water on Mars

The light-toned sedimentary layers that outcrop widely throughout Mars’ Southern Highlands have long been an enigma in uncovering the climatic history of Mars. Although these units seem to contain unique records of fluctuating surface conditions, the …

Regional Correlations in the layered deposits of Arabia Terra, Mars

In the mid-equatorial region of Arabia Terra, Mars, dozens of moderately-sized impact craters (10-100 km diameter) contain layered sedimentary deposits. Previous work has found that these layers are resolvable at the meter scale and that they are …

CRISM Hyperspectral Mapping

HSP mapping products advising

Deep Layer Mapper

UNet to map Mars